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It’s June, which means the kids are getting restless and parents and teachers are gearing up for end-of-year celebrations! Spring flings and fairs, family fun days and class BBQs – there’s so much going on at school this month. If you’re a teacher winding down the school year with your students or if you’re on the PAC and you need to plan a fun day for your kids and their friends, there are so many exciting and unique ways to keep everyone entertained! It’s time to celebrate! School’s out for Summer!

Tasty Treat Days

Something as simple as a Friday afternoon treat can cap off the week for kids ready for the weekend and for the end of the school year! Whip up a batch of peanut free cookies for your class or bring in some watermelon slices for a healthier alternative. Want to kick it up a notch? Think snow cones or cotton candy! You can’t beat a “fancy” treat! Giving kids something to look forward to and a little extra pat on the back for a job well done will go a long way for classroom morale! Keep those kiddos happy & energized for these last few weeks…hang in there!

BBQ Bonanza

The smell of burgers and dogs on an open flame just screams “Summer is coming”. Fire up the BBQ and treat your class, or your whole school for that matter, to a tasty lunch as you celebrate all of their hard work. Invite parents to volunteer to cook and ask students to bring in a shareable dish (allergy friendly of course) and turn it into a sizzlin’ Summertime potluck! A “special lunch” can really make a kid’s day and create that super exciting end of year vibe that students will really latch onto. Top off the BBQ lunch with giant freezies and you’ve got yourself a winning combo!

Family Fun & Games

If a collaborative lunch isn’t your jam, you can still create a pretty fantastic day for students by packing it full of fun & games. Divide the kids up into teams, nominate an older student to be captain and let the fun ensue. Think egg relay races and water balloon skirmishes, soccer baseball and wiffle ball. All of those simple, nostalgic games you used to play as a kid can still do the trick. Mix in a few updated games like jumbo Jenga, Plinko or a mini putting green for the perfect combination of old and new. Set up some games inside and others outdoors. Be sure to include some water & snack stations where kids can take a break when needed. Creating this fun team building day gets kids out of the classroom but keeps them learning and having a blast, all at the same time! Perfect!

As another academic year winds down, remember to tell your kids how proud you are of them, and be sure to thank parents and teachers for keeping it all together. Celebrate all of your accomplishments! Job well done! Bring on Summer Break!